New Series: Growth Focused Life.

Disclosure: These principles are ideas that have worked for me, and therefore may or may not work for you.

Over the next several weeks, I will be exploring each principle in more detail - here’s an overview of what to expect:

TURN TOWARDS THE UGLY! - Our personal growth is directly correlated to our willingness to engage in difficult and uncomfortable conversations, with both self and others. In other words, “Put the ugly on the table!”

PRIORITIZE PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY! - Let’s be honest - this is a tough one and not for the faint of heart. On our journey to understand ourselves, we must be honest and accountable for all of our feelings and behaviors, even the ugly ones. Introspect and reflect whenever possible!

MAKE SPACE FOR THE PARADOX! - Things are rarely ever All or Nothing, but rather this and… Making space for the paradox is the ability to accept contradictory beliefs without having to pick sides. It’s the ability to see both - to hold space for both. To feel a sense of loss and grief, and at the same time, relief.

Stay Tuned as we unpack these principles in the coming weeks!


Principle One


Atlas of the Heart